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Kontaktujte násWe would like to invite you to the Practical course EM-SPS 2024 (Sample Preparation Series for Electron Microscopy) organized by the IMCF at BIOCEV on April 22-25.4, 2024.
This course (1 day lectures plus 3 days of demo and practical sessions)
provides participants with an insight into the complexity and principles of
biological sample preparation necessary for routine ultrastructural analysis by
Transmission or Scanning electron microscopy. The practical part of the course
will cover methods of sample harvesting, chemical fixation, contrasting, resin
embedding, ultra-thin sectioning, negative staining, critical point drying,
plunge freezing and more.
For detailed information (including program and registration), please visit the
website: https://imcf.natur.cuni.cz/EMSPS/