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ETHICS - Responsible Conduct of Research - Research Integrity and Ethics in Georgian Universities

Řešitel projektu: Prof. Mgr. Roman Gabrhelík, Ph.D, Klinika adiktologie 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze

Zadavatel: European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Číslo projektu: 101 101082546 — ETHICS — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE

Doba řešení: 1.2.2023 – 31.1.2027


The aim of the national structural reform project ‘Responsible Conduct of Research - Research Integrity and Ethics in Georgian Universities (ETHICS)’
is to launch a systemic improvement intervention to improve the quality of University and Research-Performing Organizations (RPOs)
research through launching measures to adhere to the foundations of high-quality research and excellence.
Its specific objectives are to introduce the mechanisms of ensuring research ethics, research integrity and good faith for researchers and within advanced level study programs,
and in the accreditation standards of doctoral programs to enhance the standards of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) – Ethics and Integrity supported
by appropriate national and institutional policies and processes that help avoid cases of scientific work lacking originality.
Equally important is to formally introduce and prevail a culture of research integrity, good research practice and better prepare
Georgian universities to become more competitive and offer trustworthy research proposals at home and abroad incorporating research integrity and ethics, specifically under the Horizon Europe and ERC calls.
The planned activities include:
(a) Policy Change and Capacity Building of Experts in Accreditation of Doctoral Programs,
(b) Creation of Research Integrity Module/MOOC,
(c) Training of Researchers and Research Support [INTEGRITY] Officers,
(d) Elaboration of University Research Integrity, Policies, Ethics, and Resources,
(e) The Research Integrity Ethics Board,
(f) Development of Academic Support and Research Integrity Services for Supportive Environment for Researchers, and
(g) Enhancement of Responsible Science Communication in Georgian universities.
The intervention is intended for universities, research centres and institutes, national authorities, Horizon Europe Office, science foundation, research support [INTEGRITY] officers, PhD and young researchers.

Publikace a výstupy studie

Veškeré publikace a výstupy projektu jsou k dispozici na webových stránkách projektu https://ethics.iliauni.edu.ge/

Podpořeno Evropskou výkonnou agenturou pro vzdělávání a kulturu (European Education and Culture Executive Agency)



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