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Kontaktujte násPředstavujeme vědecké práce autorů z 1. LF UK (na pozici prvního, korespondenčního či seniorního autora), které byly publikovány v časopisech v prvním oborovém decilu (podle impakt faktoru). We present the scientific papers of authors from the First Faculty of Medicine (first, corresponding or senior authors are mentioned) published in journals in the first decile (ranked by Journal Impact Factor).
Koresp. autoři označeni hvězdičkou, autoři z 1. LF tučně. Corresp. authors marked with an asterisk, authors from the 1st Faculty of Medicine in bold.
Havránek Š*, Fingrová Z*, Rob D, Šmalcová J, Kaválková P, Franek O, Šmíd O, Huptych M, Dusík M, Linhart A, Bělohlávek J. Initial rhythm and survival in refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Post-hoc analysis of the Prague OHCA randomized trial. Resuscitation. 2022, 181(December), 289-296. ISSN 0300-9572.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2022.10.006 / UT WoS: 000934847400004 / IF = 6.251 (2021)
Saito A#, Tamura T#, Zahradník J#, Deguchi S#, Tabata K#, Anraku Y#, Kimura I#, Ito J#, Yamasoba D#, Nasser H, Toyoda M, Nagata K, Uriu K, Kosugi Y, Fujita S, Shofa M, Begum MM, Shimizu R, Oda Y, Suzuki R, Ito H, Nao N, Wang L, Tsuda M, Yoshimatsu K, Kuramochi J, Kita S, Sasaki-Tabata K, Fukuhara H, Maenaka K, Yamamoto Y, Nagamoto T, Asakura H, Nagashima M, Sadamasu K, Yoshimura K, Ueno T, Schreiber G, Takaori-Kondo A, Shirakawa K, Sawa H, Irie T, Hashiguchi T, Takayama K, Matsuno K, Tanaka S*, Ikeda T*, Fukuhara T*, Sato K*. Virological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2.75 variant. Cell Host and Microbe. 2022, 30(9), 1540-1555.e15. ISSN 1931-3128.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chom.2022.10.003 / UT WoS: 000919625100010 / IF = 31.316 (2021)
#These authors contributed equally.
Knížková D, Přibíková M, Dráberová H, Šemberová T, Trivić T, Synáčková A, Ujević A, Stefanović J, Drobek A, Huranova M, Niederlova V, Tsyklauri O, Neuwirth A, Tureckova J, Stepanek O*, DráberP*. CMTM4 is a subunit of the IL-17 receptor and mediates autoimmune pathology. Nature Immunology. 2022, 23(11), 1644-1652. ISSN 1529-2908.
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41590-022-01325-9 / UT WoS: 000870950100006 / IF = 31.250 (2021)
Škrabal D, Rusz J, Novotny M, Šonka K, Růžička E, Dušek P, Tykalova T*. Articulatory undershoot of vowels in isolated REM sleep behavior disorder and early Parkinson's disease. NPJ Parkinsons Disease. 2022, 8(1), 137. ISSN 2373-8057.
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41531-022-00407-7 / UT WoS: 000870736700002 / IF = 9.304 (2021)
Radilová K, Zima V, Kráľ M, Machara A*, Majer P, Hodek J, Weber J, Brynda J, Strmeň T, Konvalinka J, Kožíšek M*. Thermodynamic and structural characterization of an optimized peptide-based inhibitor of the influenza polymerase PA-PB1 subunit interaction. Antiviral Research. 2022, 208(December), 105449. ISSN 0166-3542.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.antiviral.2022.105449 / UT WoS: 000879832300001 / IF = 10.103 (2021)
Kožich V*, Schwahn BC, Sokolová J, Křížková M, Ditroi T, Krijt J, Khalil Y, Křížek T, Fantlová-Vaculíková T, Stibůrková B, Mills P, Clayton P, Barvíková K, Blessing H, Sykut-Cegielska J, Dionisi-Vici C, Gasperini S, Garcia-Cazorla A, Haack TB, Honzík T, Ješina P, Kuster A, Laugwitz L, Martinelli D, Porta F, Santer R, Schwarz G*, Nagy P*. Human ultrarare genetic disorders of sulfur metabolism demonstrate redundancies in H2S homeostasis. Redox Biology. 2022, 58(December), 102517. ISSN 2213-2317.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.redox.2022.102517 / UT WoS: 000878602200001 / IF = 10.787 (2021)
Vítek L*, Jirásková A, Malíková I, Dostálová G, Eremiášová L, Danzig V, Linhart A, Haluzík M. Serum Bilirubin and Markers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in a Healthy Population and in Patients with Various Forms of Atherosclerosis. Antioxidants. 2022, 11(11), 2118. ISSN 2076-3921.
https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox11112118 / UT WoS: 000880682900001 / IF = 7.675 (2021)
Groborz O*, Kolouchova K, Pankrác J, Keša P, Kadlec J, Krunclova T, Pierzynová A, Šrámek J, Hovořáková M, Dalecká L, Pavlíková Z, Matouš P, Páral P, Loukotova L, Svec P, Benes H, Štěpánek L, Dunlop D, Vieira Melo CH, Šefc L, Slanina T, Beneš J, Van Vlierberghe S, Hoogenboom R*, Hruby M*. Pharmacokinetics of Intramuscularly Administered Thermoresponsive Polymers. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2022, 11(22), 2201344. ISSN 2192-2640.
https://doi.org/10.1002/adhm.202201344 / UT WoS: 000879463300001 / IF = 11.092 (2021)
Rob D*, Kaválková P, Šmalcová J, Král A, Kovárník T, Zemánek D, Franek O, Šmíd O, Havránek Š, Linhart A, Bělohlávek J. Coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention in cardiac arrest patients without return of spontaneous circulation. Resuscitation. 2022, 175(June), 133-141. ISSN 0300-9572.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2022.03.027 / UT WoS: 000877482200014 / IF = 6.251 (2021)
Brogyányi T, Kaplánek R, Kejík Z, Hosnedlová B, Antonyová V, Abramenko N, Veselá K, Martásek P, Vokurka M, Richardson DR, Jakubek M*. Azulene hydrazide-hydrazones for selective targeting of pancreatic cancer cells. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2022, 155(November), 113736. ISSN 0753-3322.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopha.2022.113736 / UT WoS: 000869952200004 / IF = 7.419 (2021)
Filip P*, Jech R*, Fečíková A, Havránková P, Růžička F, Müller K, Urgošík D. Restoration of functional network state towards more physiological condition as the correlate of clinical effects of pallidal deep brain stimulation in dystonia. Brain Stimulation. 2022, 15(5), 1269-1278. ISSN 1935-861X.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2022.08.025 / UT WoS: 000863258700010 / IF = 9.184 (2021)
Sikora J, Kmochová T, Mušálková D, Pohludka M, Přikryl P, Hartmannová H, Hodaňová K, Trešlová H, Nosková L, Mrázová L, Stránecký V, Lunová M, Jirsa M, Honsová E, Dasari S, McPhail ED, Leung N, Živná M, Bleyer A, Rychlík I, Ryšavá R, Kmoch S. A mutation in the SAA1 promoter causes hereditary amyloid A amyloidosis. Kidney International. 2022, 101(2), 349-359. ISSN 0085-2538.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.kint.2021.09.007 / UT WoS: 000746612100019 / IF = 18.998 (2021)
Subert M, Simek M, Novotny M, Tykalova T, Bezdíček O, Růžička E, Šonka K, Dušek P, Rusz J*. Linguistic Abnormalities in Isolated Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder. Movement Disorders. 2022, 37(9), 1872-1882. ISSN 0885-3185.
https://doi.org/10.1002/mds.29140 / UT WoS: 000825363800001 / IF = 9.698 (2021)
Leischner Fialova J, Hönigova K, Raudenska M, Mikšátková L, Zobalova R, Navratil J, Šmigová J, Moturu TR, Vicar T, Balvan J, Veselá K, Abramenko N, Kejík Z, Kaplánek R, Gumulec J, Rösel D, Martásek P, Brábek J, Jakubek M*, Neužil J*, Masařík M*. Pentamethinium salts suppress key metastatic processes by regulating mitochondrial function and inhibiting dihydroorotate dehydrogenase respiration. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2022, 154(October), 113582. ISSN 0753-3322.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopha.2022.113582 / UT WoS: 000855198000002 / IF = 7.419 (2021)
Rusz J*, Janzen A, Tykalová T, Novotný M, Zogala D, Timmermann L, Růžička E, Šonka K, Dušek P, Oertel W. Dysprosody in Isolated REM Sleep Behavior Disorder with Impaired Olfaction but Intact Nigrostriatal Pathway. Movement Disorders. 2022, 37(3), 619-623. ISSN 0885-3185.
https://doi.org/10.1002/mds.28873 / UT WoS: 000722827800001 / IF = 9.698 (2021)
Rodriguez Manchola MV, Knížková K*, Keřková B, Siroňová A, Šustová P, Jonáš J, Španiel F. The relationships between cognitive reserve, cognitive functioning and quality of life in first-episode schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Psychiatry Research. 2022, 310(April), 114479. ISSN 0165-1781.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114479 / UT WoS: 000829452000040 / / IF = 11.225 (2021)
Novotny M*, Tykalova T, Růžičková H, Růžička E, Dušek P, Rusz J. Automated video-based assessment of facial bradykinesia in de-novo Parkinson's disease. npj Digital Medicine [online]. 2022, 5(1), 98. ISSN 2398-6352.
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41746-022-00642-5 / UT WoS: 000826991800002 / IF = 15.357 (2021)
Gavurová B*, Ivankova V, Rigelsky M, Mudarri T. Internet Addiction in Socio-Demographic, Academic, and Psychological Profile of College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Frontiers in Public Health [online]. 2022, 10(June), 944085. ISSN 2296-2565.
https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.944085 / UT WoS: 000827679600001 / IF = 6.461 (2021)
Kaisrlíková M, Vesela J, Kundrat D, Votavova H, Dostalova Merkerova M, Krejcik Z, Divoky V, Jedlička M, Fric J, Klema J, Mikulenkova D, Stastna Markova M, Lauermannova M, Mertova J, Soukupova Maaloufova J, Jonášová A, Cermak J, Beličková M*. RUNX1 mutations contribute to the progression of MDS due to disruption of antitumor cellular defense: a study on patients with lower-risk MDS. Leukemia. 2022, 36(7), 1898-1906. ISSN 0887-6924.
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41375-022-01584-3 / UT WoS: 000790084900001 / IF = 12.883 (2021)
Gavurová B*, Khouri S, Ivankova V, Rigelsky M, Mudarri T. Internet Addiction, Symptoms of Anxiety, Depressive Symptoms, Stress Among Higher Education Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health [online]. 2022, 10(June), 893845. ISSN 2296-2565.
https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.893845 / UT WoS: 000817134800001 / IF = 6.461 (2021)
Woronyczová J, Novakova M, Leníček M, Batovsky M, Bolek E, Cífková R, Vítek L*. Serum Bilirubin Concentrations and the Prevalence of Gilbert Syndrome in Elite Athletes. Sports Medicine - Open. 2022, 8(1), 84. ISSN 2199-1170.
https://doi.org/10.1186/s40798-022-00463-6 / UT WoS: 000817299400001 / IF = 6.766 (2021)
Honigova K, Navratil J, Peltanova B, Holcova Polanska H, Raudenska M, Masařík M*. Metabolic tricks of cancer cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Reviews on Cancer. 2022, 1877(3), 188705. ISSN 0304-419X.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbcan.2022.188705 / UT WoS: 000806557500001 / IF = 11.414 (2021)
Pimková K*, Jassinskaja M, Munita R, Ciesla M, Guzzi N, Cao Thi Ngoc P, Vajrychová M, Johansson E, Bellodi C, Hansson J*. Quantitative analysis of redox proteome reveals oxidation-sensitive protein thiols acting in fundamental processes of developmental hematopoiesis. Redox Biology [online]. 2022, 53(July), 102343. ISSN 2213-2317.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.redox.2022.102343 / UT WoS: 000808477800002 / IF = 10.787 (2021)
Derner O, Kramer A*, Hrušková Z, Arici M, Collart F, Finne P, Sanchez LF, Harambat J, Hemmelder MH, Hommel K, Kerschbaum J, De Meester J, Palsson R, Segelmark M, Skrunes R, Traynor JP, Zurriaga O, Massy ZA, Jager KJ, Stel VS, Tesař V. Incidence of Kidney Replacement Therapy and Subsequent Outcomes Among Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Findings From the ERA Registry. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2022, 79(5), 635-645. ISSN 0272-6386.
https://doi.org/10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.09.016 / UT WoS: 000797690900006 / IF = 11.072 (2021)
Lőrincz B, Jury EC, Vrablík M, Ramanathan M, Uher T*. The role of cholesterol metabolism in multiple sclerosis: From molecular pathophysiology to radiological and clinical disease activity. Autoimmunity Reviews. 2022, 21(6), 103088. ISSN 1568-9972.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autrev.2022.103088 / UT WoS: 000793724700006 / IF = 17.390 (2021)
Kvaková K, Ondra M, Schimer J, Petrik M, Novy Z, Raabova H, Hajduch M*, Cigler P*. Visualization of Sentinel Lymph Nodes with Mannosylated Fluorescent Nanodiamonds. Advanced Functional Materials. 2022, 32(23), 2109960. ISSN 1616-301X.
https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202109960 / UT WoS: 000763337400001 / IF = 18.808 (2020)
Ganapathy Subramanian R, Levová K, Kotačková L, Trnka J, Zogala D, Rusz J, Zima T, Devos D, Šonka K, Růžička E, Kalousová M, Dušek P*. Increased Transferrin Sialylation Predicts Phenoconversion in Isolated REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. Movement Disorders. 2022, 37(5), 983-992. ISSN 0885-3185.
https://doi.org/10.1002/mds.28942 / UT WoS: 000751791400001 / IF = 10.338 (2020)
Bubeníková A, Skalický P, Beneš V, Beneš V, Bradáč O*. Overview of cerebral cavernous malformations: comparison of treatment approaches. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2022, 93(5), 475-480. ISSN 0022-3050.
https://doi.org/10.1136/jnnp-2021-328658 / UT WoS: 000768391100001 / IF = 10.283 (2020)
Karásek J*, Slezák J, Štefela R, Topinka M, Blanková A, Doubková A, Pitašová T, Nahalka D, Bartes T, Hladík J, Adámek T, Jirásek T, Polášek R, Ošťádal P. CPR-related injuries after non-traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: survivors versus non-survivors. Resuscitation. 2022, 171(February), 90-95. ISSN 0300-9572.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.12.036 / UT WoS: 000767760900014 / IF = 5.262 (2020)
Tykalova T*, Novotny M, Růžička E, Dušek P, Rusz J. Short-term effect of dopaminergic medication on speech in early-stage Parkinson's disease. NPJ Parkinsons Disease [online]. 2022, 8(1), 22. ISSN 2373-8057.
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41531-022-00286-y / UT WoS: 000765758900001 / IF = 8.651 (2020)
Bělohlávek J*, Šmalcová J, Rob D, Franek O, Šmíd O, Pokorna M, Horák J, Mrázek V, Kovárník T, Zemánek D, Král A, Havránek Š, Kaválková P, Kompelentova L, Tomkova H, Mejstrik A, Valasek J, Peran D, Pekara J, Rulíšek J, Balík M, Huptych M, Jarkovsky J, Malík J, Valeriánová A, Mlejnský F, Kolouch P, Havránková P, Romportl D, Komárek A, Linhart A. Effect of Intra-arrest Transport, Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and Immediate Invasive Assessment and Treatment on Functional Neurologic Outcome in Refractory Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association. 2022, 327(8), 737-747. ISSN 0098-7484.
https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2022.1025 / UT WoS: 000762147200020 / IF = 56.274 (2020)
Fischerová D*, Pinto P, Burgetová A, Mašek M, Sláma J, Kocián R, Frühauf F, Zikán M, Dusek L, Dundr P, Cibula D. Preoperative staging of ovarian cancer: comparison between ultrasound, CT and whole-body diffusion-weighted MRI (ISAAC study). Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022, 59(2), 248-262. ISSN 0960-7692.
https://doi.org/10.1002/uog.23654 / UT WoS: 000749268300016 / IF = 7.299 (2020)