1. lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy Univerzita Karlova
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Directory of the First Faculty of Medicine

Detail of department

Departmental code: 701
Name: Clinic of Spinal Surgery First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and University Hospital Motol
WWW: https://www.fnmotol.cz/kliniky-a-ambulance/kliniky-dospela-cast/klinika-spondylochirurgie-1-lf-uk-a-fn-motol/
Phone: +420 224432581
Address: V Úvalu 84, Praha 5, Praha
Head (of department): prof. MUDr. Jan Štulík, CSc.
Deputy: MUDr. Tomáš Vyskočil

Assigned contacts

Barna Michal +420 224432588
Kryl Jan +420 224432594
+420 224432588
Štulík Jan +420 224432588
+420 224432581
Vyskočil Tomáš +420 224432594
+420 224432588