Otázka č. 1: Dementia is a syndrome characterized by
a) decline of intellect
b) decline of memory
c) orientation disorders
d) impairment of thinking (abstract mainly)
e) all listed above is valid
Otázka č. 2: The most dangerous sexual deviation is
a) sadism
b) exhibitionism
c) disorder of sexual orientation
d) paedophilia
Otázka č. 3: It belongs among atypical antipsychotics
a) haloperidol
b) olanzapine
c) chlorprothixene
d) mirtazapine
Otázka č. 4: Manic patient may be dangerous to itself or to its surroundings by
a) increased blowing money
b) vulgar or noisy behaviour
c) mixing in improper relationships
d) all listed above is valid
Otázka č. 5: Stupor is
a) enhanced activity
b) psychomotor attenuation
c) mannerism
d) disorder of consciousness
Otázka č. 6: Disorientation is manifestation of
a) qualitative changes of consciousness
b) quantitative changes of consciousness
c) depersonalization
d) all listed above is valid
e) nothing listed above is valid
Otázka č. 7: Induction of tardive dyskinesia is connected with treatment by
a) neuroleptics
b) anxiolytics
c) stimulants
d) barbiturates
Otázka č. 8: The best effect of lithium prophylaxis can be expected in
a) rapid cyclers
b) patients suffering from bipolar affective disorder
c) patients suffering from recurrent depression
d) nothing listed above is valid
Otázka č. 9: Schizophrenia begins mainly in age around
a) 16 to 25 years
b) 26 to 35 years
c) 35 to 45 years
d) all listed above is valid
e) nothing listed above is valid
Otázka č. 10: Illusions are most frequently observed at
a) autistic thinking
b) delirium
c) dissociative disorders
d) nothing listed above is valid
e) all listed above is valid
Otázka č. 11: Schizophrenia in childhood
a) has the same prognosis as in adulthood
b) has the worse prognosis than in adulthood
c) is uncured
d) has a long period of remission
Otázka č. 12: D2 receptors are blocked by
a) chlorpromazine
b) haloperidole
c) perphenazine
d) clozapine
Otázka č. 13: Typical symptom of simple schizophrenia is
a) autism
b) hallucination
c) delusions of persecution
d) agitation
Otázka č. 14: It belongs to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
a) galantamine
b) donepezil
c) rivastigmine
d) all listed above is valid
Otázka č. 15: Methadone and buprenorphine are used in the treatment of
a) depression
b) schizophrenia
c) anxiety disorders
d) dependence on opioids
Otázka č. 16: Memory and motivation may be highly influenced by
a) inhibitors of monoaminoxidase
b) hallucinogens
c) antiepileptics
d) nothing listed above is valid
Otázka č. 17: Orthostatic hypotension does not develop during treatment with
a) tricyclic antidepressants
b) inhibitors of monoaminoxidase
c) serotonin reuptake inhibitors
d) trazodone
Otázka č. 18: Therapeutic and prophylactic level of lithium is kept between
a) 0.2–0.4 mmol/l
b) 0.4–1.2 mmol/l
c) 1–3 mmol/l
d) lithium plasma levels are not clinically relevant
Otázka č. 19: It does not belong to atypical antipsychotics
a) clozapine
b) risperidone
c) sertraline
d) sulpiride
Otázka č. 20: It is typical for psychotic depressive mood
a) depression worse in the morning
b) unresponsive to circumstances
c) loss of interest and enjoyment
d) all listed above is valid
e) nothing listed above is valid