1. lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy Univerzita Karlova
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4th International Summer School in Padova: Teaming up for cardiovascular risk reduction – an integrated perspective

Learning objectives

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) can unexpectedly reduce the life expectancy among young, healthy adults in their prime and can also cause debilitating, chronic ill health conditions later in life among the increasingly aging population. It is a significant cause of death worldwide, claiming the lives of 17.9 million people annually.

Recognized as a major worldwide health emergency, cardiometabolic disorders continue to rise, impacting on health systems and requiring more effective and targeted strategies. Pathophysiology, pharmacology and therapeutics need to team up for effective CVD risk reduction.

Pharmacological research has contributed much to attacking diseases through the development of drugs such as GLP-1 receptor agonists, inhibitors of renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system and statins. However, further efforts towards developing better drugs and targeting unmet medical needs are still needed.

The learning objective is two-fold:

1) To provide next-generation physicians with an integrated view of research and clinical approaches to prevent and treat CVD;

2) To foster exchange and networking between medical student from several European countries.

This will hopefully be the fourth in a series of educational events to build relations among international medical students for years to come.

Faculty include established as well as younger clinicians and investigators based at the University of Padova and other European Universities. Lecturers will provide focused cross-disciplinary views on key and emerging topics. Some talks will present career opportunities for MDs in several European countries.

Deatailed programme can be found here.

Scientific and organising contact



Orto Botanico, via Orto Botanico 15 Collegio Morgagni, via San Massimo 33 Skill Lab, via Belzoni 160

Teaching format

Lectures will take place at Orto Botanico and Collegio Morgagni. The hands-on session will take place at the Skill Lab. Students will present group works on June 7. A cash prize of 500 € will be awarded to the best group presentation. Students who will attend at least 75% of lectures and present the group work will receive a Certificate of Attendance and 3 ECTS.

Who should attend?

The course is open to 24 undergraduate medical students close to achieving their MD. Applications from early MD graduates (PhD or residents) will be considered as well.

How to apply

Applications shall be uploaded at https://forms.gle/Nm2pLUjFwTg14qvT7 Deadline: April 6, 2025

Selected students will be notified no later than April 15, 2025.



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